Welcome to Groove!

Chances are you're here because you need a new shared inbox for managing emails. Well, you've come to the right place! The options for connecting your mailboxes in Groove will depend on your mail provider and how your mails are currently configured.

Which method should I use to connect my emails?

There are many different email providers out there! We've got some quick guides for you to get your mail flowing into Groove, depending on your provider below:


Microsoft Office 365 or Outlook.com

Other providers:

Once you've finished setting up your Groove inbox and your forwarding is in place in your email account settings, you are good to go! All of your incoming emails will get forwarded to your shared inbox in Groove and your team can manage everything from there.

What happens to my mails in my email provider once Groove is connected?

The mails in Gmail, Microsoft, or any provider that you're using would remain as they are. Any changes made in Groove will not affect your emails in your mailboxes with your email provider - you can see Gmail/Microsoft as a backup of all incoming mails while using Groove!

Deleting mails in Gmail or Microsoft (ones that are already in Groove) would not affect the tickets (emails) in Groove.

Mails in Groove are securely and privately stored on our servers.


Needing a hand getting your email into Groove? Reach out to the support team! Email: support@groovehq.com