Keeping track of customer conversations can sometimes feel overwhelming, but Groove makes it easier with different ticket statuses: Open, Snoozed, and Closed. Let's break down what each means and how to use it effectively!


  • What It Means: Whenever a new conversation starts, it’s automatically marked as "Open".
  • Why It's Important: These are the conversations that need your team’s attention and action.
  • Tips: Make it a habit to check Open tickets regularly to keep things moving smoothly and customers happy.


  • What It Means: "Snoozed" status is like setting a reminder to come back to a conversation later.
  • Why It's Useful: Great for setting up follow-ups or delaying action until a specific time.
  • How to Use It:
    1. Snooze a Conversation: Choose a date and time for when you want to revisit the conversation.
    2. Unsnooze: When the set time arrives (or if you manually unsnooze it), the conversation will pop back to Open.
  • Learn More: Check out this guide for more details on snoozing conversations.


  • What It Means: "Closed" means the conversation is finished, and no further action is needed.
  • Why It's Important: This lets your team know that the issue has been resolved or the inquiry has been handled.
  • Reopening Conversations:
    • If the customer replies to a closed conversation, it automatically reopens and switches back to Open, so nothing slips through the cracks.
  • Where to Find Them:
    • Closed conversations show up in the "Closed" folder and any custom "Smart Folders" you’ve set up, making them easy to find if needed.
    • Learn More: Check out this guide for more details on managing folders.


Tips for Managing Conversation Statuses

  1. Keep an Eye on Things: Regularly check Open and Snoozed conversations to stay on top of customer needs.
  2. Communicate Clearly: Use these statuses to keep everyone on your team in the loop about what’s happening with each conversation.
  3. Set Follow-Ups: Use the Snooze feature to remind yourself or your team to follow up on important conversations.
  4. Review Regularly: Look through Closed conversations now and then to spot any patterns or recurring issues that might need your attention.

By understanding and using these statuses, you’ll keep your customer support organized, efficient, and responsive!