The account Owner and Admins have access to billing settings.

The billing section is found under Settings → Billing

The billing summary lists all active users you are being billed for. The option to switch the annual billing is found here too. You can enter your card details in the lower left corner under 'payment method'.


Account Management - Change Owner

If you need to change the account owner, we have a guide that shows you the specific steps to do that here:

Change account owner


Account Management - Invoices

All of the account invoices can be viewed and downloaded/printed from the Invoices tab. 


How The Billing Works:

With the both monthly and annual billing, you'll pay for the seat. If you were to archive a user during your billing period, that seat would be available for another user, the unused time is not credited back.
For example, for annual billing - let’s say you have 9 Agents on a annual account from 1st Jan - 31st Dec: 
  • On 1 March you add one more agent, you will be pro-rata billed from 1 Mar - 31 Dec for that agent
  • You now have 10 agents (10 seats)
  • On  1 Jun you remove 2 agents - remaining time is not credited, but have you have 2 seats open
  • You now have 8 agents (with 2 seats that you’ve paid for available during this billing period)
  • 1 Sept you add a new another agent - you are not billed (9 active agents, 1 seat now available you have paid for)
  • 1 Oct you add a new another agent - you are not billed (10 active agents, 0 seat now available you have paid for)
  • 1 Dec you add a new another agent - you are pro-rata billed from 1 Dec to 31 Dec since you have no available seats


  • Channels: This includes mailboxes, Live Chat, and Social Chats. For example, if your plan includes 2 channels, you can have any combination of mailboxes or chats up to the 2-channel limit. Additional mailboxes will be billed at the rate shown on your billing page.
  • Addon Inbox: This refers to billing for additional mailboxes that exceed the billing plan's channel limit
  • Addon KB: This refers to billing for additional Knowledge Bases that exceed the billing plan's limit
  • Inbox Teammates: This refers to the number of users billed on your account. You are billed per "seat." If a user is removed during an active billing period, the seat remains open, allowing another user to take that spot without additional charges.

Accepted Methods Of Payment In Groove

We only accept payments by credit card

Purchase orders, PayPal, and direct bank transfers are not supported. 


If you have have any questions on your billing or plan, feel free to reach out to support!