Here is a breakdown of how the different stats are calculated in the Conversation Report. Some important definitions to note as far as reports are concerned:

  1. Conversations = emails/tickets
  2. Resolutions = conversations that are marked as closed (with or without a reply)
  3. Customer = each unique email address/contact who sends you a message


  • The number of new conversations created for each day of the currently selected time period.


  • The number of customers (a unique email address) that created a conversation for each day of the currently selected time period.


  • The number of conversations that were closed, and have not been reopened since, for the currently selected time period.

Open vs. Closed

  • The difference in the number of open conversations between the start and end of the currently selected time period. This is simply the total number of open events less the total number of closed events. A positive number indicates more open events were triggered than closed and the net number of open conversations increased over this period. A Negative number indicates more closed event were triggered than opened and the net number of open conversations decreased.

New Conversations

  • The total number of conversations created for the currently selected time period.

    Note: spam tickets, tickets moved to spam and tickets moved to trash count as conversations.
    Deleted tickets do not count as new conversations as they are deleted in the database.

Customers Helped

  • The total number of customers that created a conversation for the currently selected time period. This number may be less that the sum of the number of customers helped for each day in the above bar chart. If a customer creates conversations on two different days they will be counted once in this metric.

Conversations Per Day

  • This is the total number of conversations created divided by the number of days in the currently selected time period.

Average Resolutions Per Day

  • This is the total number of resolutions divided by the number of days in the currently selected time period.

Average Customers Per Day

  • The average number of customers that created a conversation per day for the currently selected time period. This is the sum of the total number of customer that created a conversation for each day of the currently selected time period divided by the number of days in the currently selected time period. Note the distinction of "the total number of customers that created a conversation," this means the result of this metric is the average of the sum of the figures from the above bar chart and not the average per day of the headline "Customers Helped."

Tag Insights


  • This is the total number of times a particular tag was added to a conversation, broken down by the individual tags. Note that we account for tags being removed and reapplied --  these will be counted as many time as they are added.


  • This is the difference in the same value for the previous period.

Team Leaderboard

The team leaderboard contains stats for each of your active agents.


  • The number of conversations assigned to the respective agent in the currently selected time period. Note that this doesn't take into account situations where a conversation is unassigned and then reassigned to the same agent, in these cases the assignments will both be counted. 
    Note: at this time, when composing a new message and closing it, this does not count towards a resolution. You may see more conversations than resolutions if you're sending more outbound mails.


  • The number of conversations the agent closed (and were not subsequently opened) in the currently selected time period.

Average Response Time

  • The average time between the first message in the customers message burst and the first message in the corresponding agent's message burst.

Average Resolution Time

  • The average time between the conversations being created and the conversations being closed for the final time.


  • The CSAT score for this agent, which is the total number of awesome ratings divided by the total number of ratings that the respective agent has received for their messages sent.